From the course: Personal Finance Tips Weekly

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New Year: How to save more this year

New Year: How to save more this year

From the course: Personal Finance Tips Weekly

New Year: How to save more this year

- With all the temptations out there in the world telling us to spend more, it isn't surprising that us humans find it hard to save money. With advertising creeping into every part of our lives it's hard not to be tempted into buying things. In fact, most Americans don't have a spare $400 to spend if an emergency came up. So what do we do? First, let's talk about earning enough money. All of us work hard for the money we earn. But for many of us, that income barely pays the bills. Unfortunately, this is also one of the hardest things to change. It's difficult to earn more money, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Always look for ways to earn more. US university graduates on average earn 68% more than those with a high school education. Education pays in the long run, so always look to pick up skills that will qualify you for higher paying jobs. Also, look for second or third income streams to supplement your paycheck. The sharing economy really helps here by allowing you to rent…
