From the course: Final Cut Pro X Weekly

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Which ProRes is right for you?

Which ProRes is right for you? - Final Cut Pro Tutorial

From the course: Final Cut Pro X Weekly

Which ProRes is right for you?

- [Narrator] Welcome to Final Cut Pro X Weekly. This week, we're gonna cover which ProRes is right for you. We're gonna talk a little bit about numbers in ProRes. I'm gonna have to show you a graph or two. I'm sorry. We're gonna talk about how you can build your own optimized footage, and what Apple's proxy actually means. We're gonna talk about some possibly better rendering. And we're gonna talk also about Alpha Channels and building your own transcodes. Sorry for these numbers. The big number I want you to look at. These are all the different ProReses currently available, including totally uncompressed at 14 gigabytes a minute. And that's where everything kind of falls apart. Those files are huge, uncompressed, high-def. All these numbers, multiply them by four, for 4k. And the message here is, and this is a little bit easier way to see it because it's a graph, uncompressed media is just gigantic. Its data rate, its file sizes dwarf almost everything else. So Apple was faced with…
