From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Titles and Effects

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Understanding substances

Understanding substances

- [Narrator] So I'm here in my chapter 2.3 project, and in the last movie we fooled around with adding a single material to all faces of our text. In this movie we're going to look at changing distress and substance, some layers that put together your single material. So let me select the basic 3-D text in my timeline, and under the text expector I'm going to scroll down, and underneath material we'll see the substance, the stone substance travertine that's making up our text. So what you should know, I'm just going to actually switch temporarily to a different material. So I'm going to go here and choose a metal copper. Once you do you'll notice that okay the copper texture is a little bit different. There is a finish layer, a distress layer, or two distress layers, and a substance layer. Now each of these layers have been combined in order to give you the text that you see here. And the cool part about this is I can go into any of these individual layers such as finish. I can show…
