From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Titles and Effects

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Reorient tool

Reorient tool

- [Instructor] With all the motion, crop, and distort tools that we've mentioned in this chapter, we've actually skipped over a control that some of you may have seen, this reorient tool. In fact, just to let you know, this reorientation tool is specifically meant for working with 360 video. Just to show you, I'm actually in my 360 Reorient project, I'm just going to click on any other chapter that's in the Chapter 3 folder right now, I'm just going to double-click it. And notice that that reorient tool isn't available for any type of flat footage. 1920x1080, 4K, it's all flat. But for 360 projects, and I can tell this is a 360 project for a couple of reasons. One is this clip inside the project has a 360 badge, we have the option of this reorient tool to reorient our scene or change what the viewer's first going to look at when they come and view it inside a headset. So how do we use this control? It's sort of like a move tool, your transform tool, in a regular flat space, at least…
