From the course: Final Cut Pro X Weekly

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LUTs and you

LUTs and you

- [Jeff] Hi I'm Jeff. - [Nick] And I'm Nick and welcome to Final Cut Pro X Weekly. - [Jeff] And this one is all about LUTs. LUTs and you. - [Nick] LUTs LUTs LUTs LUTs and more LUTs, that's all I'm hearing these days. How to add them to clips, what the heck are LUTs? - [Jeff] Well, LUTs have a bunch of functions that you can use but the primary one, the original idea was the idea that you could switch a pixel value simply and where it was useful for us was you would shoot something in log or a flat space and I'm simplifying a little bit here but you then apply a LUT and it would normalize it it would look right and what it could give us is an extra stop or two on our footage. We can also stylize using LUTs and I see this left and right. I'm a little snobby about it myself, I kind of considering it Instagramming. - [Nick] Yes totally like putting on basically a style filter on, Instagram is how I look at LUTs and look at lookup tables too. - [Jeff] Final Cut Pro has got some limited…
