From the course: Migrating from Final Cut Pro 7 to Final Cut Pro X

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How keywords are different and more powerful than bins

How keywords are different and more powerful than bins - Final Cut Pro Tutorial

From the course: Migrating from Final Cut Pro 7 to Final Cut Pro X

How keywords are different and more powerful than bins

- Some days, I do still miss my bins, but key wording is magical, and it has everything to do with the fact that I can take a clip, and have it live in multiple places easily. Let's take a look at how key words work. There's a great place where bins fail us, and it's that, if you click clip to live in two spots, you end up duplicating the clip, and now you're managing two copies. Key words suffer from none of that. So, I'm going to close my inspector here. For the time being I'm going to hide my time line area, make my viewer just smaller, so we get more realistic to work with here. I'm working inside of this Tahoe event. I'm going to change, up here, the sort from none to file type. Now, everything is in a similar group based on the type of media. If I take a look at the entire library, similar groups is a great way I can see stuff based on its content type. This becomes a very, very quick way to work when you're trying to find stuff based on whether it came from red file or if it's…
