From the course: Final Cut Pro X Weekly

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Free Apple sound libraries

Free Apple sound libraries - Final Cut Pro Tutorial

From the course: Final Cut Pro X Weekly

Free Apple sound libraries

- [Jeff] Hi, this is Jeff. - [Nick] And this is Nick. Welcome to Final Cut Pro X Weekly. - [Jeff] This week we're going to talk about some free Apple sound libraries that you can add to your system. - [Nick] And this is all made possible by downloading some extra content from inside the Final Cut Pro X menu. - [Jeff] So, specifically, we want to do an explanation of what that is. And you're going to get two things installed, and one of them is a ton of new little sound effects. - [Nick] We're also going to show you that you get a ton of reverb presets from effect called Space Designer. - [Jeff] So, let's take a look at first how to download that content. Inside of Final Cut there's a choice here called Downloaded Additional Content. Now, obviously, you have Final Cut installed. It's really likely you've missed this menu. Or if you've done it, you may not even realize what's there. - [Nick] And I've always wondered what we actually get when we download this additional content from…
