From the course: DSLR Video Tips: Software

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Fixing shaky footage in Premiere Pro

Fixing shaky footage in Premiere Pro

From the course: DSLR Video Tips: Software

Fixing shaky footage in Premiere Pro

- All right. Final Cut Pro worked pretty well. I liked how it stabilized, some good choices. You mentioned that there really is a choice between a lock-off versus stabilization. - [Rob] Yeah, and it's something that I think aesthetically you just kind of have to figure out which works best for the project. - [Rich] All right, so let's sort of just take part of the shot here. Maybe I want to use just a little bit of this clip, and I'm just gonna cut that here so we're only working with part of it. There we go. And we're taking this part here where he's playing guitar, and it's mostly stable. There's a little camera bump in there. We see a little camera bobble. But it's pretty good, right? And so let's stabilize that as a lock-off. So I'll zoom in here, and I'm just gonna throw away this other part of the media. One of the things I like about Premiere is that it lets you do just part of the shot, not the whole clip. And so there's the warp stabilizer. There it is, and we'll add that…
