From the course: Final Cut Pro X Weekly

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Faking room tone

Faking room tone

- [Jeff] Welcome to Final Cut Pro X Weekly. I'm Jeff, no Nick this week, and we're going to talk about faking room tone. Sooner or later as a filmmaker, you get the media back and nobody on set decided to get room tone. There's a phenomenal scene in the movie Living in Oblivion. If you've never seen it, Peter Dinklage is in the film, Steve Buschemi, there was actually, this is a phenomenal film about filmmaking in general, indie film production, and there's a great scene about room tone that's absolutely watchable. If you consider yourself a filmmaker, you need to see this film. No room is truly silent, you should never have total gapping, total quiet in your timelines. They commonly will say, "I'm going to bury it in the mix "and just put some music underneath," but you should put room tone in every empty spot in scenes. The key is to record about 30 seconds with everybody in the room just for the post and edit. Now, I recommend that you do it twice. I recommend that you do it at the…
