From the course: Final Cut Pro X 10.6 Essential Training

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Creating a title

Creating a title

- [Narrator] In this movie, we're going to start to explore titles and graphics inside of Final Cut Pro Ten. And I'm currently in my chapter 10_1 project. You can find that in your project's event section of this library, the Final Cut Essentials library. And to add a title to this project, this is a customer appreciation night, so we just want to type in just before we see these clips that this is the customer appreciation night. What we're going to do is head to the titles and generator sidebar. So this is actually behind the browser up here. Sometimes, when I think about adding transitions and effects, which we add either to edit points or onto clips, I think about the title and generator section that we see here as in their own elements, so titles are their own thing. We don't apply them to clips. We apply them on top of clips; you want before clips. Same thing as generators, they're their own thing. So here under the title section, we have a series of categories and I want to go…
