From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Color Correction

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Applying the Broadcast Safe effect

Applying the Broadcast Safe effect

- The broadcast safe effect ensures that our images are safe in both luminance and saturation for broadcast. Let's see how we can apply this effect to clips. Here I am in my Final Cut Chapter Two/Seven project and here's a clip that I've color corrected and just looking at the clip it looks like some of this image is a bit overexposed and I'm going to confirm that by pressing Command + Seven and heading to my Waveform and checking out my Luma waveform and confirming that there are some pixels above 100. And in a broadcast world, this is known as illegal. If you sent this to a broadcaster, they would send the show back and say please correct. In situations where you want to not go back and color correct your clips, but have images that are broadcast safe we can use the Broadcast Safe filter. So let's just see what happens. This is going to keep your image in broadcast safe levels for both luminance as well as saturation. By going to the Effect browser under the Color category we'll…
