From the course: Final Cut Pro X Weekly

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5 tricks for dealing with the inventible stills montage

5 tricks for dealing with the inventible stills montage - Final Cut Pro Tutorial

From the course: Final Cut Pro X Weekly

5 tricks for dealing with the inventible stills montage

- [Jeff] This is Final Cut Pro X Weekly, I'm Jeff, Nick's not here. - [Nick] I'm not here this week. - [Jeff] And this is the dreaded stills montage. That's right, somebody's come by giving you a ton of JPEGs, a piece of music, and you want to make this as effortless as possible. We're going to do that by dropping 'em to our timeline. We're going to see how we can adjust multiple clips by controlling their duration, adding dissolves, adjusting them based on their size and shape with the Transform, Crop, and Distortion controls. On the Crop, specifically though, we're going to laser in on Ken Burns' technique, and we're going to then apply it to multiple clips and save that effect. Last, we're going to look at a great third party generator from FXFactory. So, to start with, I'm going to go ahead here into my stills and just select them all, Command + A, and I'm going to bring them to the timeline, E, so they just all come in, and they're all going to be too long. Some of them have been…
