From the course: Final Cut Pro X Weekly

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Speeding Up Basic Transforms

Speeding Up Basic Transforms - Final Cut Pro Tutorial

From the course: Final Cut Pro X Weekly

Speeding Up Basic Transforms

- [Jeff] Welcome to Final Cut Pro X Weekly. I'm Jeff. Nick is off shooting the Northern Lights. And I'm here to talk to you about speeding up basic Transforms. They're just some keys that I believe will help you be able to work smarter and faster. In fact, I consider these keys the ones for Transform happiness. I want to talk to you a little bit about changing your background to checkerboards and a note about Animation in the Viewer versus Animation in the Inspector. So I'm here inside of Final Cut, and I'm just going to hide my browser. I just want to look at my pretty images here, make this a little bit taller. Let's make the clips very small. And I want to look at this very first clip here. You're probably pretty used to going to this little button. In fact, let's bring that back just so we can see where it normally would lie. This button here allows me to get to my Transform, my Crop, and Distort. There's a Done button. I'm going to close that up. I'm going to go here and hide…
