From the course: Final Cut Pro X Weekly

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Shortcuts for faster color correction in FCPX 10.4

Shortcuts for faster color correction in FCPX 10.4 - Final Cut Pro Tutorial

From the course: Final Cut Pro X Weekly

Shortcuts for faster color correction in FCPX 10.4

- [Nick] Hi welcome to Final Cut Pro X Weekly! I am Nick, and Jeff's not here this week. This week we're going to take a look at Shortcuts for Faster Color Correction in Final Cut Pro 10.4. Final Cut Pro 10.4 was actually released in mid-December, it features a plethora of new color correction options but here we're going to take a look at how we can actually use our keyboard shortcuts in Final Cut and map them to these specific new color correction tools. We're going to be covering Customizing the Final Cut Pro Keyboard layout for color correction in specific using these 10.4 color correction tools. We're going to look at saving as well as how we can actually export this new keyboard layout, and of course we're going to test out these new color correction control keys so you can get a sense for how you can work really quickly and efficiently inside of Final Cut Pro X. Without further ado, let's hop into Final Cut. I'm actually over my first clip here in the timeline. I can easily…
