From the course: Cinematic Video Lighting

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Handheld accent lighting

Handheld accent lighting

- So, here we are in the back of the house, the brewery itself, and we want to figure out what we're going to do as far as all that B-roll coverage, those inserts, the cutaways and all of the stuff that I'm talking right now about can be applied to other places. But what we needed to figure out for what we were going to shoot in this space was where did they make the beer. They make it right here. This is command central. This is the bridge. This is on the Millennium Falcon, the cockpit. And I would say that about 80 to 90 percent of making beer is all happening up here. So, this is where a lot of our shots were going to take place. So, Greg and I came in. We walked the space. We were talking to Casey. We're finding about all of this stuff, and we had to figure out how we were going to light this, but do it in a quick, fast way because everybody's working and we don't want to get in their way. So, the first thing that we did was we actually addressed these windows because that was…
