From the course: LED & Compact Video Lighting

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Grip gear for LED lights

Grip gear for LED lights

- Okay, so we've covered sorta on board, lighting modifiers, diffusers. At some point though, you've gotta move beyond the lighting unit and put the work, some of the grip equipment that's been out there for a long time. I'm just gonna go over some of the standard grip equipment that's used to rig and modify and shape the light, which is a lot of what lighting is all about. One of the basic building blocks of grip work is the c-stand. The c-stand is sort of a tripod-based stand with a number of stages to adjust the height. Okay, and then there' s usually a knuckle and an arm to get your flag or whatever light modifier you're using into the place you want it to be. So, in a situation like this where we've got this fairly large source, and we want to control it a little bit from going everywhere except here, where we want it, we'll take your standard, solid flag. Standard size, there are several, but one of them is two feet by three feet. Some of the really, really fancy ones fold out…
