From the course: Video Pre-production for Low-Budget Films

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- As we saw, this pre-production course covered every single step we took to shoot our short film. Working on a shoestring budget without compromising the integrity of your story is not only possible, but it is becoming an increasingly important skill to have in order to succeed in today's marketplace. Think about this. An editor can take a break, go for a walk and come back with fresh ideas to the cutting room. A director cannot do that. She needs to stay, have all the right answers and fix all the problems right now. So, being well prepared before arriving on set is paramount for anyone involved in the production process, especially if you are not working with professional actors. One last thing. Instead of shooting one 50 minute film, try to shoot 10 or 12 five minute projects, and collaborate with different talent and different crews in different locations. I can guarantee you will learn so much more. In our follow up course, Post-production for Ultra Low Budget Films, we will…
