From the course: FileMaker Pro Essential Training (2019)

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Number functions

Number functions

- [Instructor] In this movie, I'm going to introduce you to the most useful and common functions that FileMaker offers for manipulating numeric data. The number functions are used to manipulate and perform functions with numeric data and as a class they are relatively easy to learn because most of them only have one or two parameters. So say for example we want to create a sales tax calculation, I'm going to go into Manage Database and I'm going to go to the Sales Tax field and change it from Number to a Calculation. I'll hit Change, confirm with FileMaker that that's what I intend to do and I'll create a simple formula where I just say Invoice Subtotal, Multiplied By Sales Tax Rate. Now there's nothing really earth-shattering going on there except what I would suggest to do is to use your Tools, so for example under Tools I like using Data Viewer, I hit the Plus sign here but in this case what I would do is I would…
