From the course: Learning Claris Connect

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Editing a flow

Editing a flow

- When you're inside your project on the flows tab you'll see all the different flows in that project listed. On the very far right side of each flow, you'll see that there's these three dots. These three dots are the options menu for your flow. This allows you to do things like edit the flow, look at the flow history, duplicate rename, or delete the flow. So let's say for example, I want to duplicate this flow and I might want to that because I want to create a very similar flow and this'll save me several steps. So I go under the menu, I hit duplicate and it creates the new flow for me. And this new flow has the same trigger and the same action steps already configured. But we look at the name and it's a little strange. So let's say I want to rename the flow. So I'll go back to the menu, select rename. And in this case, make my change and simply hit rename. And if you decide that you want to clean up your flow list and…
