From the course: FileMaker Pro Essential Training (2019)

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Creating multiline scripts

Creating multiline scripts

- [Instructor] You'll find that most scripts that you create will end up having multiple lines of steps, because it's much more useful to store a series of actions in a script, than just one step. Now, it still does make sense to create some scripts that just have a single-line script, you know for example, you'll attach a list of like script triggers and stuff like that, but I'm going to show you kind of a technique on how I approach creating multi-line scripts. Now, first of all, like anything else it involves starting with some planning, first. So, what I like to do is figure out what it is that I want to actually do. Now, in this application, you see I've got this Print Letter button in the upper right-hand corner, and so what do I want to have happen when users click on that? Well, often I'll find myself taking some notes. So, what I like to do is write out all the steps ahead of time, kind of like I'm planning my script. So, in this specific case, with the customer welcome…
