From the course: Excel 2016: Managing and Analyzing Data

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Using a specialized array formula to identify data that's been duplicated

Using a specialized array formula to identify data that's been duplicated

From the course: Excel 2016: Managing and Analyzing Data

Using a specialized array formula to identify data that's been duplicated

- [Voiceover] This worksheet is called IdentifyingDuplicates and if you saw the previous movie you would know that by looking at the data here if we wanted to get rid of duplicate records we could simply do that with the Remove Duplicates feature found on the Data tab, but let's say what we really want to do here is identify which records have been duplicated. So it is important that the data be sorted. We'll click in column A, click the AZ button, we've got a sorted list, if any two people have the same name they'll be together, but we won't be checking just the names, we'll be checking all the other columns as well. So let's add a new column by right-clicking column A, Insert. Now I wanna show you two methods of identifying whether there's a duplicate or not. We'll start in cell A2 and type =if. We're gonna be using the IF function along with the AND function. And here's what we're about to say using and we're gonna be checking to see if cell B2 is =B3, and if cell C2 is =C3, and if…
