From the course: Video Budgeting

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Starting the budget in Showbiz

Starting the budget in Showbiz

From the course: Video Budgeting

Starting the budget in Showbiz

- [Instructor] Now, it's time to put together all of our data we've collected, together with the cost to create the budget. This is what I call the first pass budget, whereby I run everything as I have it planned, with no consideration for cost savings. We'll talk about that later. Before we start, if you plan to follow along and run the budget yourself, either with Showbiz or the other provided templates, I would suggest using your own rates, to see how this budget would come out with your numbers. All of the personnel, equipment, and time calculations I'm going to use, comes directly from the Water Science with Wade Production Plan. Be sure to have that as a reference as we move along this chapter. The first thing in Showbiz budgeting is this titles tab. I always have my contact over here on the left along with the client name and contact info on the right. You'll see the basics of the project along the lower right, so we have Water Science with Wade, three episodes, 15 minutes, and…
