From the course: Excel Power User Challenge

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Set up a document to show low-level alerts

Set up a document to show low-level alerts - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Power User Challenge

Set up a document to show low-level alerts

- [Instructor] With this challenge, you've got a lot of freedom to get done what needs to get done. Okay, the bottom line is we need some type of a very clear alert that lets us know if one of these colors is less than 80% of the stated low level amount in column C. Looking at banana yellow, low level is 50. 40 would be 80%. So we need to be able to go to the main office, get a total of the banana yellows, 14th Street, Belmont, get a total and get a clear warning if banana yellow is under 40 and the same with the rest of those colors. Couple of things to note, not every location has every color, and if we go to 14th Street, we'll see Cotton candy has two entries. So you got to be aware of that. Back to the overview. So go ahead, create those low level alerts, come back and you can see me do it. Okay, you're back. All right. First thing, I'm going to put everything into tables. My cursor's in the dataset, format as table. I'm going to take this purple, okay. Get rid of the filter…
