From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Review accuracy of invoice

Review accuracy of invoice - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

Review accuracy of invoice

- [Instructor] You and I are in the process of moving offices and we're busy, so we had some people come from A to Z Helpers run errands, do various things, help us get this move happening, so here is their invoice, they're asking for the $2161.24 and we just need to check this to make sure everything is within the agreement. But there is something peculiar. In expenses, in the formula, there is this MISC exclamation point, which suggests there is a hidden sheet somewhere. So that's where your help is needed. Un-hide this hidden sheet. Verify the accuracy of the numbers, and see if there's anything outside of this agreement that we aren't gonna pay for, so pause the video, check this out, come back and we'll walk through it together. Okay, you're back. Now let's check this out. So the 2161.24, that's okay. That's just adding these up, and the 70 times three, yes, that's $210, and then 175 makes sense, okay. The…
