From the course: Excel Business Intelligence: Data Modeling 101

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Relationships versus merged tables

Relationships versus merged tables

- [Instructor] All right guys at the risk of sounding like a broken record I want to take just one minute to really drive home this concept of table relationships versus merged tables. So I know there are some of you guys out there like this anonymous confused man who's thinking you know, I just want to merge these queries or want to use LOOKUP or RELATED functions to pull all these attributes into one place. I want to blend that lookup and that fact table so that I have everything I need in a single monster table, kind of like this. You know you've got fact table fields in the left, you've got attributes from our Calendar lookup there in the middle, got attributes from Product lookup table and this could go on and on until you're dealing with hundreds of different columns. And this is a normal habit to be in if you're a longtime Excel user. It was the habit that I was in as well, and the reason we have this habit is because tools haven't existed in Excel to let us model the data in a…
