From the course: Excel 2010 Essential Training

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Naming and using cell ranges

Naming and using cell ranges

When you have a lot of cell ranges to deal with, you might find it easier to give them friendly names. For example, you might find it easier to deal with something called the sum of January than deal with the sum of B6:B9. But range names have a little quirk and we are going to look at that also. Well, over here we have regions that we are selling to and we have months January through June. Let's select just the numbers here in the January column and go up to the name box. You see the name box right now is at B6, because B6 is the first cell we are selecting. So, click in the name box and type January and press Enter. Just click anywhere in the worksheet to deselect. Now, when we go back up to the name box, click that down arrow. There is January. Select it and January becomes selected. That's great. Let's do for February. Select February. Click under the name box, type February, press Enter. Again, you could deselect and click up here. Now, there January and February. Well, there is…
