From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Lookup and correct errors

Lookup and correct errors

- [Instructor] Here we go, you all. We have names in column B and the specialties are empty. Why? Because we need to retrieve 'em over from the source data. And look at the source data. It's in two different lists! Help me, please! First, put the source data into a single list. Second, write the formula in column C that will retrieve the specialties over. And there are going to be some errors, so please, get those fixed. All right, is it clear? For example, Art has a specialty that's Meat. Laurel's specialty is as an Expediter. That's what we want in column C, all right, so pause the video. Get this data, clean it up, come back, and I'll show you a way to handle this. All right, you're back! Let's do this. I'm going to show you a trick here. One way to get this data all in one stack, I'm going to highlight this, and then, I'm going to hold down the Shift key, grab this, wait for this bar to come. Look at…
