From the course: Excel Business Intelligence: Power Pivot and DAX

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Iterator ("X") functions: RANKX

Iterator ("X") functions: RANKX

- [Instructor] Alright, before we move on I just gotta show you guys a demo with RANKX because it works a little bit differently from SUMX and it's just a really cool function. So I'm back here in my pivot table, same setup as before, breaking down the data by product name, and the idea here is to create a new measure that essentially ranks out these products based on total revenue. So let's give this a name along the lines of Product Rank and if we want specifics, we can just say by Revenue and assigning to Transactions is just fine. And now for something like this this is where RANKX is really useful, because you can use it to rank fields based on all sorts of expressions and measures and things like that. So let's start with RANKX, same syntax here, Table, then Expression and also has a few extra optional ones for dealing with the rank order and ties and stuff like that we're just gonna stick with the basics for now. First piece is the table, so which table contains the items that…
