From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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How many paid days off are available?

How many paid days off are available? - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

How many paid days off are available?

- [Instructor] It's almost the end of the year, and we need to take a tally of how much paid time off each of these people have available. We'd like to know who's got a lot of days left, and we got to say, "Hey, what are you going to do with these days? "When do you plan to take 'em?" And then there are other people with the holidays coming up, they're going to want to take time off, and they don't have any. So that's why we want to know this. Now let's look at the data. Check out Fritz Castillo. Fritz has 68 months with the company. Now we look over on the table on the right. 68 is between 60 and 120, meaning Fritz has 25 paid days off available to him. We go back and see he's taken 21 and 1/2. We need that available column to show he's got 3.5 days left to take until the end of the year. So fill in that available column, and once you're done, copy and paste the results as values so that there are no live formulas…
