From the course: Excel Business Intelligence: Data Modeling 101

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Hide fields from client tools

Hide fields from client tools

- [Instructor] So in the last lecture when we talked about filter direction, we talked about how important that concept was and how easy it could be to make mistakes by accidentally pulling in the wrong filter fields into a pivot. So luckily, Power Pivot has controls for that and in fact we can make some adjustments right in our data model that will help prevent these errors from taking place. So it's called hiding fields from client tools. And basically you can just right click any field in a table within the data model and click this hide from client tools option. Now when you do that you essentially make that column or make that field invisible to tools outside of the data model itself. So tools like Power Pivot for instance. And what this will do is help prevent users from accidentally filtering or segmenting on invalid fields. And it can also be a nice way to just simply hide irrelevant metrics out of view. So pro tip here, this is an important one, always hide the foreign key…
