From the course: Excel 2013 Essential Training

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Freezing and unfreezing panes

Freezing and unfreezing panes

When you work with a large list, as in the data that we're seeing here on the freezing sheet, one of the problems you run into and particularly if you're not familiar with the data, is that as you scroll up and down the data, you lose sight of where the column indicator is. We're not seeing row 1 anymore. Similarly, sometimes we scroll rightward and we see some data and we wonder, well, who is that person? Which salary are we looking at here? We don't see the names out of column A. Sometimes we might want to see not only the name, but also perhaps the name and the building where the person works at or maybe some other information. We're talking about the potential ability to freeze rows or columns, so that we can always see certain information on the screen. So, if we only want to freeze the top row, the active cell can be anywhere within our data and we go to the View tab, choose Freeze Panes and Freeze Top Row. It keeps the top row visible while scrolling through the rest of the…
