From the course: Excel: PivotTable Tips

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Enabling multiple filters

Enabling multiple filters

- [Instructor] All right, time to share one of my favorite Pivot Table pro tips, applying multiple filters to a single Pivot Table field. Now, by default, you can either apply label filters, which are based on text, or value filters, which are based on numbers, to a single given field in a Pivot Table, but not both at the same time. So, in other words, if you had a label filter applied, and then added a value filter, that new value filter would overwrite or wipe out the existing label filter. So to change this, what we're going to do is head to our Pivot Table Options, we're going to drill into our Totals and Filters tab and check this box that says, allow multiple filters per field. Now, as you might expect, what this will allow us to do is apply filters that are based on both text and value attributes at the same time. So, in this case, what we're going to do is filter down to titles that end in the number two, which is a label filter, and also drove a certain volume of revenue…
