From the course: Excel Business Intelligence: Power Pivot and DAX

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DAX best practices

DAX best practices

- All right, congratulations, you have officially made it to the end of the DAX section of the course. Nicely done, hopefully you learned a ton and got some really awesome, powerful new functions and tools that you can go and start using right away. Now as always, we're gonna close with a few of my favorite best practices. So DAX best practice number one. Write measures even for the simplest calculations. So it might seem silly to calculate something like the sum of sales when you can just drag it in as an implicit measure. Remember, we don't like that approach. So once you create a measure, even if it's a simple one like this, the beauty is that it can be used anywhere in the workbook, and as an input to many other more complex calculations, forming things that we call measure trees. DAX best practice number two. Break your measures down into simple and component parts, especially as you're learning this language. So DAX, to be honest, is a really difficult language to master. I am…
