From the course: Excel 2010 Essential Training

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Customizing the Quick Access toolbar

Customizing the Quick Access toolbar - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel 2010 Essential Training

Customizing the Quick Access toolbar

As you use Excel you will probably find that there are some features you use more than others and maybe some features you don't use it all. To make it easy to get to the features you use most often, you can pin them to this little toolbar up here called the Quick Access toolbar or the QAT for short. The QAT works exactly the same way in all the office 2010 applications. So if know how to do it in Excel then you already know how to do it in Word, PowerPoint and the others. Now by default the Quick Access toolbar has three commands. You have Save, Undo and Redo. So here are few ways that you can add commands to the QAT. Click this down arrow here and here are some pretty common commands that you might want to use. So I will just click this one, New. That will let you create a new workbook and let's click it again choose Open. That will let you open a workbook. So it's the same thing as pressing Ctrl+ N or in this one pressing Ctrl+O or same thing as going to File tab and choosing Open…
