From the course: Excel 2010 Essential Training

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Creating and using original templates

Creating and using original templates - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel 2010 Essential Training

Creating and using original templates

The best way to create your own templates is to use your own existing workbooks. Turning a workbook into a template just involves saving it. You don't have to do anything fancy. Now let's take a look. Go to the File tab, so we get into the Backstage view, and go down over here to New and then up of top select New from existing and in Chapter 5 of the Exercise folders, double-click this file turn into template. It opens up, and you see up here it's called turn into template1. This is the same idea as when you create a new workbook and Excel calls it book1, book2 and so on. This is simply the first instance of using that file called turn into template. We want to turn this into a template. We are not actually going to put data in here. So let's just save this as a template. Now you can either press the F12 key on your keyboard to get to the Save As dialog box. Let's cancel out. Or you could go to the File tab and choose Save As. Down over here where it says Save as type, click that and…
