From the course: Excel 2013 Essential Training

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Creating a percentage-increase formula

Creating a percentage-increase formula - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel 2013 Essential Training

Creating a percentage-increase formula

In this worksheet we might want to calculate how much our Profits have changed month by month. We can certainly do this with the Overhead numbers and also of course with the Sales too. Let's say we want to focus on Profits. Now, is it always going to be an increase? It so happen that this day it is going upward, but not always, so maybe that wording there is a little bit optimistic; perhaps a better heading here might be "%ProfitChange". We're not going to have any number whatsoever in the January column, but in February we will, because this involves comparing what's happened over a two-month period. How much has the Profit percent gone up, we hope, or possibly gone down over these two months? It has gone up. How do we make this calculation? This may or may not be bringing back fond memories of high school math. You probably learned that back then, but do you use this capability all the time? Maybe not. It's relatively straightforward formula, but it does bring up a major issue with…
