From the course: Excel Business Intelligence: Data Modeling 101

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Create table relationships

Create table relationships

- [Instructor] All right, so, enough of the conceptual stuff, enough talking about theory, it's time to roll our sleeves up and actually create some table relationships. Now, there are two ways, or at least two ways, that we can do it. The first way, which I find the easiest, is simply to click and drag relationships in the data model diagram view. So, what you're going to do is select a foreign key from a data table, click and drag your mouse to the matching primary key in the related lookup table and then once you release your mouse, it's going to create that relationship for you. A little tip here, try to get in the habit of dragging relationships from the data table to the lookup tables, it actually doesn't matter in Power Pivot but there are other tools where it does, so it's kind of just a good habit to get in and then a caveat at the bottom of the slide, if you're using Excel 2010 with a plugin or 2013, you may see some slight variations in your diagram view. For instance I…
