From the course: Excel Business Intelligence: Power Pivot and DAX

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Create explicit measures (Power Pivot)

Create explicit measures (Power Pivot)

- Alright, so now let's talk about the proper way to create explicit measures. So we're not gonna use the AutoSum shortcut anymore. Now we're gonna actually write DAX to create explicit measures through our Power Pivot tab. So, we'll be in the actual pivot table view not in our data model when we create these explicit measures. So in your Power Pivot tab, you'll see a button called Measures and when you click New Measure it will open up the Measure dialog box that looks like this. So at the top of the dialog box you've got information about the measure. Every measure gets assigned to a table so that you'll know where to find it in your Pivot Table field list. Let's give it a measure name again you can use spaces here if you choose and you've got an optional description. So that's kind of up to you if you want to use descriptions or not. Generally speaking, I'll add description for the more complicated measures that might not be so intuitive but I might just leave it blank for some of…
