From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Correct dates to show the weekday, day, month, and year

Correct dates to show the weekday, day, month, and year - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

Correct dates to show the weekday, day, month, and year

- [Instructor] Oh, no. We're getting ready to do a Mail Merge and let people know what their event dates are. But this date is showing up as a number with two decimal places, so your help is needed to correct this date. In looking at the example, we would like the week day, comma, day, month, comma, and then the year. Once that's corrected then sort three levels. First, the event date, then by last name, then by first name. All right? Pause the video. Get this squared away. Come back and I'll show you a way to do this. Okay, let's dive in. We need to correct the event date. We want the weekday, comma, day, month, comma, year. I'm going to highlight and then go to More Number Formats, Custom. Here we go. We want dddd, that gives us the weekday, comma, space, dd, gives us the day, space, mmm, comma, space, yyyy. Okay. Double-click. That's our format. Now we're ready to sort. Cursor in the dataset.…
