From the course: Cert Prep: Excel 2016 Microsoft Office Specialist (77-727)

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Configure worksheets and workbooks for distribution

Configure worksheets and workbooks for distribution

- [Instructor] It's important to understand how to configure worksheets and workbooks for distribution. Before you share your workbook, there are four things that I'd like for you to consider. Do you need to save the file in an alternative format such as an earlier version of Excel or as a PDF document? Have you reviewed and configured all of the print options, most importantly making sure that if you need to repeat row or column headings on each printed page that the settings have been set up correctly. Have you inspected the workbook for hidden properties such as personal information and meta data? Have you inspected the workbook for any accessibility issues? Do you have users who may be vision impaired and therefore we need to go through our document and put alternative text in the properties for each of our objects in the worksheet? In this video I'll show you how to answer all of these questions and we'll focus on the settings and options you may encounter on the Excel 2016 MOS…
