From the course: Excel Power User Challenge

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Check this data quality for results that don't fit requirements

Check this data quality for results that don't fit requirements - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Power User Challenge

Check this data quality for results that don't fit requirements

- [Instructor] Sometimes people don't cooperate, they don't follow the rules. And that means we have to know how to check data quality before we do anything. Here's the situation. People were asked to submit three votes, and it could be a vote for anything. Maybe we're voting on 10 different designs for our business cards, anything, but the deal is everybody had to submit three votes. So look at Chris in row seven, Chris submitted just nine. He needs two more entries and each vote had to be different. Look at Anne. Anne voted for four twice. So now we know Anne and Chris are two entries that have to be fished out of this list. And the objective is to identify and separate any errant records. And then for those people who didn't cooperate, create a list of their names, their votes, and their email addresses. Where are the email addresses, you ask? They are over here. So let's go back and notice, these are not in order. There's a group A, Alice and then Angie starts down here. And then…
