From the course: Excel Business Intelligence: Power Pivot and DAX

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Calculated columns

Calculated columns

- [Narrator] Alright, let's dive into calculated columns. The first place to use DAX expressions. Now as you might have guessed, calculated columns, super simple. They allow you to add new, formula-based columns to a table. Very similar to how we added new columns in Power Query using the Query editor. Very similar concept here. Now a couple things to note, there's no A1-style references here. Calculated columns refer to entire tables or columns. Also, calculated columns are computed row by row and those values that you compute get stored with the table which does take up memory. So this is fine if you're dealing with reasonably sized data sets. But if you're working with very large data sets, keep in mind that adding more and more calculated columns will slow things down and eat up that memory. And then third, this is probably the most important bullet of the three, is that calculated columns are designed to understand row context. So they understand the row in which they live. That…
