From the course: Excel: PivotTable Tips

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Autofitting column width

Autofitting column width

- [Lecturer] All right, I want to take a few minutes and talk about how we can prevent our PivotTable columns from autofitting their width. Now, by default, every field in a pivot will adjust the underlined column width automatically to accommodate the longest value in that field. And normally this is helpful because it means that all of the text in our fields will be visible by default, but it can be really inconvenient if you're working with a number of very long, text-based fields that might have hundreds of characters or words. So you may end up with something that looks like this, here we've got a long text-based description field that we've pulled into our row labels and as a result it stretched column B well beyond the width of our window, which is making it very tough to work with. Now, i've simple fix here to prevent that automatic resizing or autofitting from happening, all we have to do is jump into our Options tab, or Options button within our Analyze tab, now, we're going…
