From the course: Excel 2019 Essential Training

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Applying borders and color backgrounds

Applying borders and color backgrounds

From the course: Excel 2019 Essential Training

Applying borders and color backgrounds

- [Instructor] In addition to the many different ways to display fonts in Excel, you also have a variety of border options and color background choices to accentuate your data, and both of these features are found in the font group on the Home tab. You've got a Borders button with a drop arrow and lots of choices and just to the right of it, so-called Fill Color bucket, also with a drop arrow and lots of choices. We're looking at the Border sheet in our 04 Formatting workbook. In this worksheet here, maybe we'd like to have this data stand out, got it highlighted. Here's the Border button, click the drop arrow, and we see some choices. I might just want a thick outside border. Just a simple border, lots of choices here. Outside border. Many times when you apply border features, you can't tell if a feature actually has worked until you click elsewhere. Click to the left of this, yes it has worked. That's a thin, standard border. Let's highlight this again. Come back, choose Thick…
