From the course: Excel Business Intelligence: Power Pivot and DAX

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Add filter context with FILTER: Part 2

Add filter context with FILTER: Part 2

- [Instructor] All right, so in the last video, we introduced the filter function, we talked about what it was all about, explained some of the nuances with it, and then walked through an example of that. Wasn't really the most applicable. So in this lecture, let's talk about a much more useful and much more fun way to use that filter function. So this is a really cool example, and what we're gonna try to do is create a way for users to interact with our pivot table using a disconnected slicer. And you'll see what I mean. We're gonna walk through the five steps here, and then we'll replicate them over in our data model workbook. So step one, we're gonna create an Excel table, containing a list of values that we'd like to use as thresholds or parameters. And this depends on what you're trying to do. In the example we're gonna show, the idea is to create a price threshold, so that we can see how many transactions occurred for products below certain price levels. And since we have a good…
