From the course: Excel Business Intelligence: Data Modeling 101

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Active versus inactive relationships

Active versus inactive relationships

- [Instructor] Let's take a minute and talk about something called active versus inactive relationships. Consider this data model here, this is the same model that we're working with. You'll note that on the right side of the model you actually have two relationships drawn between the calendar look up table and this food mart transactions table. And the reason there are two lines is because there are two date fields in the transactions table and only one date field in calendar. So what we've done in this case is we've drawn a relationship between each of the date fields in the transaction table, but the issue is that both can't be active at the same time. So if you were to right click or double click each of those two lines, you would see following edit relationship windows. And if you look really closely at the bottom left corners, there's a box that says active and only one of the two is checked. Now the one that's checked is the one that produces the solid line, and the one that's…
