From the course: WordPress for Education

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Password protecting posts

Password protecting posts - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: WordPress for Education

Password protecting posts

- Since you're teaching out on the open web, and all of your content is available all the time, there are occasions when you may want to have some pieces of content that are restricted just to the members of your class. In those situations, you may want to password-protect specific posts. This is also a great thing to know if you have a student who may not want to publicly share a particular post. It's good to know how to protect that student's privacy. All you need to do is come to the back end of your site, go down to the post section, and find the post that you want to password-protect. In this case, we'll do this "Up in Smoke and Rusting Away" post by Jeff Baker. Click on the link for quick edit, and then there's a space here for password. If you're password-protecting content that you're going to share within your class, it's okay to tell all of the members of your class what the password is so they can all view the content and see it. If this is something that a particular…
