From the course: WordPress for Education

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Creating tags

Creating tags

- When we created our site map we determined that we were going to need the following Course Tags. Tags are used to organize the flow of information or posts into our class site, and we're going to use them in two ways. One, as a way to gather structured information from our students, and the other as a way to gather un-structured information from our students. For the structured information, we'll tell the students when to use certain tags such as when they write a reflection, or they complete an assignment such as their bibliography review, and to tag discussions about a particular unit. Then, we'll encourage the students to create and add their own tags or keywords to all their posts. And then we can look at a more organic organization of our course content as it develops within our course. So I'm in the Tags page of the Posts section for our Wordpress Admin site, and let's go ahead and create the structured tags that we need. The first tag we'll create is called reflection. Now…
