From the course: WordPress for Education

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Building static pages

Building static pages

Our sitemap shows that we need the following pages: About, Syllabus, JoinUs!, and a page for each unit's lecture materials. Since the About page is created by default with all WordPress installs, we only need to create the other pages and paste in our existing content we've already written. Let's begin with the Syllabus page. Click the Add New page button and then type in Syllabus for the title. Now let's open our existing course syllabus. Mine happens to be in Microsoft Word format. We want to copy all of the text and paste it into WordPress. When you paste your text, WordPress will make an attempt at applying standard HTML tags. You will need to do a little cleanup. I'll change a few of these headings, and then it looks like I need to increase the indent on this block of text. If you find that you need to do a lot of format cleanup, I'd suggest clicking the Paste As Text tool, and then paste your text in. If you do this, then you'll have to reapply all of the styling to your…
