From the course: Adobe Captivate Essential Training

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Create hyperlinks

Create hyperlinks

- [Instructor] Similar to working with buttons and actions, you can create hyperlinks out of text on your slides here in Captivate to add some interactivity. That's what we're going to explore with this version of our new hire orientation, Red30_0307 if you're catching up. Let's go all the way to the last slide in our project here where we have a number of images and some text down below where you will find an email address. Currently that email address is just for information purposes. But if we want learners when they're viewing this slide to be able to click that email to send an email, we can create a hyperlink out of it. So let's double-click to get inside the text box and then select the text that we want to use as our hyperlink. The other thing we'll do while we have it selected is copy it. You can right-click and choose Copy, Ctrl+C here on a Windows PC, Command+C on your Mac. And now when we go to create the hyperlink, all we have to do is go over here…
